Oh the feels......
I don't know if it's the fact that my babies are growing up or the vast differences in ages and stages that's making my desire for time to slow down so overwhelming.
The babies are growing into kids and becoming more independent each day.
That part is easy, but in-between removal of training wheels and sleepless toddler nights my oldest is turning into a woman faster than I can comprehend.
I'm cheering the toddlers on to childhood and at the same time silently begging for time to stand still with the Big.

Kaitlynn, thank you for making me a mom for the first time. Thank you for not being breakable and bouncing when we dropped you. Thanks for being such a good baby that you l tricked me into thinking I knew what I was doing.

Its bittersweet watching each of you grow up. While I'd like to keep you all little and protected, I cannot wait to meet the adults that you each become (unless one of you is in jail - I don't want to meet that one....just run away now)