So, we stopped for the night in Texas and me being me (that means cheap)...well, I got online to find the best hotel deal.
I used Hotwire.com.
On their site you can choose a room at a discount but you don't know the hotel name. It just gives you star levels and comparable hotel chains. I've never been really disappointed and it's always been a great deal.
Well, this time we got screwed. (Like bent over with no lube kind of screwed....)
Problem is, when you buy these rooms there is a no refund policy just because you don't like your room. That's the risk you take for a 1/2 price room I guess.
The shithole was so bad that we didn't even stay...we left and booked another room.
I didn't think I'd get my money back, but I wrote an email to Hotwire just in case. I figured since I most likely wasn't gonna get a refund I'd at least have a good time with it. The funny must have worked...I think I had the money back in my bank account in like 2 hours!!!
What follows is my letter to their complain department:
I wanted to take a minute to to give someone feedback on a hotel we booked last week.
We had a death in the family and were headed to Louisiana from Colorado. I booked a hot deal hotel room at the 2.5 star level. I've been a loyal Hotwire customer for the past few years and have never been disappointed until last weekend. Granted, I booked a 2.5 star accommodation so I wasn't expecting the Sheraton, but I was appalled by what I actually received. We received our confirmation of a room booked at the Baymont Inn and suites. First, I checked Travelocity and saw that the Baymont was ranked number 7 of 8...only above the motel 6. I calmed down and decided to base my opinion on the actual hotel when we arrived. I should have just cut my losses then and booked another hotel as the real thing was worse than the reviews.
Let me list what we found:
Upon entry the lobby smelt like the BO of 25 construction workers trapped in an elevator doing jazzersize for 3 days with no ac....and the dining room was connected to this stink pit.
I think the front desk gentleman spoke some sort of English, but I wasn't certain as he only mumbled while flinging my key across the desk. (I'll call him Raj since he didn't introduce himself or have a name tag.)
The desk was missing trim and coming off of the wall....but they did have a very pretty rug and some nice throw pillows.
Raj grunted and pointed me to my room. As we rounded the corner to park we solved the mystery of the jazzersise construction worker BO!
THERE THEY WERE! The construction workers with a hibachi grill on the front porch and their door wide open (I imagine for the fresh air..)
Before you get the wrong idea here I'm not profiling...I'm guessing construction workers because there were drywall sheets in the bed of the pick up and well...I have a construction worker husband. Setting up a grill on the front porch of his hotel room is totally something he would do...along with icing down beers in the bathtub.
Anyway, with that mystery solved it was on to the hotel room.
I had just run out of smokes...imagine my shock when I looked down and found at least 35 half smoked Butts to save my night (along with my nerves when I entered the 2.5 star room-o-crap)
Initially the key didn't work which I assume wasn't our lack of key knowledge.
Here, I must admit... im jumping to conclusions...

I didn't ask Raj but made that assumption based on the large amount of dents in both the door handle plate as well as the door itself, but to be fair it could have been a kidnapping escape situation and not a lock issue at all.
Moving on...
Upon entering the room I was impressed at the risk Raj had taken in his design. I might not agree with all over orange sherbet color with a teal accent wall, but it was definitely a statement.
The 1/2 gap between the door molding and the drywall was a little less inspiring, but that could have been a new addition attributed to the kidnapping incident which caused all of the door dents.
(There was also a hole in wall and some funky sink discoloration that I don't think can be attributed to the kidnapping but I think is still worth mentioning.)
Now at this point I didn't plan on staying there much less showering, but I had 2 toddlers in tow.
If you have kids you'll understand that little toddler butts cannot be tamed or scheduled. This brings me to the bathroom...
After attending nature we realized we had already touched multiple surfaces. Logic says we're clearly already suspects in the kidnapping case by fingerprints alone...we might as well suck it up, barricade the shoddy door and get some shut eye.
Here's where the construction worker hubby really ruined it for all of us...
See, even though he's down with hibachi grills in the front porch and might even contribute to the BO smells on a work trip one thing he cannot handle is non draining tub or cold showers.
Two things that he was greeted with upon trying out the shower.

Now hopefully the hand prints were just from the plumber who was interrupted while trying to fix the drain when we barged in ( but maybe Raj could make a pass with the 409 get it handled.)
As for the mystery splatter...I'm going to imagine that someone before us was enjoying a nice chocolate sundae in the tub and being wet dropped it and it splattered. If not, tell Raj to have the CSI unit spray the luminal in the bathroom.
I hope you've enjoyed my recollection of the $90 shithole you sold me under the assumption that I was getting a 2.5 star hotel room that was equal to the LA Quinta because the only thing that is funny is my interpretation.
Now I know you don't necessarily know exactly what your selling but i figure its only fair to inform you that you got screwed as well. (I don't know about you, but I at least expect a nice dinner before getting fucked....another thing I didn't get)
I did spend another $100 to stay the night in the "comparable" LA Quinta. While we didn't get a good kidnapping saga we got an A+ room and I learned that those hot deals are more like flaming bag of poop. (I don't know why I used that analogy, but they're both pretty shitty)
If you would like pictures please don't hesitate to call me or email and if it's against your policy to refund for crappy rooms maybe you could consider it a tip for the most creative complaint email ever...either way it'd be pretty cool to see that $$ pop right back k into my bank account.
(not really - you kinda screwed me, but my English teacher used to tell us we had to close with something..."you suck" wasn't ever an option she gave us)
Maybe funny worked....